Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why I Adore Photographing Bat Mitzvahs and Bar Mitvahs

I get very excited whenever I am hired to shoot another bat mitzvah or bar mitzvah. I absolutely love the energy of this festive Jewish coming-of-age tradition which takes place on the occasion of a child's 13th birthday.

The 13th year is so significant in a child's life. It really is during this year that children start becoming young men and women. And yet, 13-year-olds still dance with abandon, laugh easily, and hug each other without care. Everyone still eats cake and piles toppings onto their ice cream sundaes without worrying about calories or cavities. I love recording those last few moments of childhood for families and friends.

Maybe I'm just too much of a softy, but I admit that I pretty much always tear up at some point during the services. When the parents come to the bema and talk about how proud they are of their child, I have to surreptitiously wipe the corner of my eye. It is such a warm and loving service, especially when the readings are done directly from the Torah, and when the child tells everyone in the synagogue about the mitzvah (or good deed) project. It always inspires me to keep doing more for other people in the world too. 

I could go on and on about what a wonderful tradition this is! Please enjoy some photos from a recent Bat Mitzvah at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe in New Jersey this past March.

I have photographed three out of four of the siblings from this family, so I admit that I shed some tears watching the youngest child enter into adulthood too. Or maybe I'm just a softy.